Penning memories again.


I always wanted to return to blogging, but I have been caught up in too many things in my personal life... I didn't know where to start, or how I should go about penning my thoughts. Some of them were overwhelming... most of them, pretty depressing. But things have finally started looking up for me in 2012, and I thank my lucky stars for all the happenings and people in my life right now. Without you, I wouldn't have made it through, so thank you. :)

I'm embarking on a new journey as I have just gotten married on the 24th of March. I'm also starting my new job on the 2nd of May. It's all so fresh, and welcoming, and exciting... emotions I haven't felt for a long time. Maybe it's time for me to start penning my thoughts again, I thought.

The name of this blog is pretty nonsensical, somewhat idealistic, but mainly reflects the author (me!) as the dreamer I am.


Adverb: Perhaps; possibly.
Noun: A mere possibility or probability.
Synonyms: perhaps - possibly - perchance - probably

I like to open myself to possiblities... but sometimes too much, to the point of uncertainty.

'Kumo' simply means 'cloud' in Japanese, and its kanji would be 云 - part of my Chinese name.

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