On surviving the (dreadful) First Trimester

If I'm ever going to have a second kid, I will probably dread the first trimester more than childbirth itself. Or even confinement. Not that I've experienced either yet, LOL. It felt like FOREVER, seriously! I'm lucky enough not to have morning sickness but I had giddy spells on and off... especially towards the evening. It's a pain in the butt because I still need to function normally like a human being, since I have to work and all.

This saved me.

Ignore the mess on the floor though.
This is an amazing product called "Sea Band", which I bought spontaneously from Guardian because someone from my Mummies Facebook Group shared about this. Apparently it does not work for everyone, but it's so cheap (like 14 bucks?) so why not. 

I only saw two colours available at Guardian - Black and Grey, and they have a pink one for kids. The quality's not fantastic since my Sea Band became "fluffy" after three weeks' worth of use. BUT WHO CARES! At least it worked for me. :D

In contrary to what I've learnt from the media, sour plums do not work for me. I'm not sure whether it works for others, but it doesn't seem like a common remedy among the people I know. I felt that inhaling sour smells works alot better, actually... I didn't use the Young Living brand of lemon essential oil (my mum bought it for me from an unknown seller LOL) but I felt alot better within a citrus-y environment. This is a really good brand though - I even thought of being a distributor myself but at least for now I have too many things on my plate. D:

Koped from Young Living SG website.
If all else fails, you can see your resident friendly GP for morning sickness medication. Yes, you don't need a gynae to prescribe this. 

Water tasted really disgusting during my first trimester... It doesn't last that long for most people, but ACK it was like drinking water from the drain (not that I've ever tasted that before, but smells like it to me). I survived on Sprite. I do not recommend this because it is super unhealthy to drink Sprite like water, but it was sooooo good because it made me burp. Alot. 

During this point of pregnancy, your insides are shifting upwards so you will feel bloated. Imagine shifting your intestines into a sardine can. It's not the painful kind, but annoying yes. That probably what causes morning sickness for some people too, and acid reflux. And heartburns. 

Other than Sprite *cough*, you should also invest in a bottle of Gaviscon. Instant burp remedy! You can find this in most major pharmacies (I got mine at Watson's), and I also bought their travel pack which I keep in my bag whenever I want to feel like a toad out of home. I don't know why, but this is so potent. Definite burp marathon after 15 minutes, max.

Another problem you'll face is... constipation. Or WORSE... hemorrhoids when you... you know, force it. You'll be stuck in the toilet forever because "customs tio jam". 

Here are some remedies I compiled through trial and error.
  1. Prune Juice, this is the most common one. But I had such a bad time because I kept waking up in the middle of the night due to stomachaches... However it's very, VERY potent.
  2. Yakult. It didn't work very well for me unless I mix it with some sort of fruit juice, but it did work for some people.
  3. Papaya milk, but it might also be due to my lactose intolerance that made me have a run for the toilet.
  4. Baking soda, with water. It tastes disgusting, but it's my holy remedy of all things because it dulls my UTI pain as well.
  5. Yoghurt, or yoghurt drinks. Heard that Greek yoghurt is always the best, but I had the normal Meiji ones lah. 
Last of all, REST and REST. Just find a flat surface wherever and lie down. If you've always had an active lifestyle, you can stick to it (after you consult the doctor of course) but most of us prefer to lie on the sofa/bed like a limp fish at this point of time. 

First trimester is pretty risky, so don't feel paiseh to be kiasi! Call your doctor's office whenever you feel the slightest bit of discomfort and especially if you're spotting, even if it's ever so lightly. I had a spotting episode but it was super super light... and the gynae gave me 5 days of MC for bed rest. SHIOK. Make full use of whatever MCs you can geng during this period also, because REST is very, very important. 

Hope all these tips are helpful! :)

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