The Merlion Incident...

A lady puked on me today, on the MRT on the way to work. She erupted Merlion-style without warning... >_< Okay, somehow my reflexes were astonishingly fast enough to siam the worst of the episode, but... let's just say I'll have to throw away my shoes. I can still smell a little of the puke now. -_- Sigh. After I stood up, the lady next to me gave up her seat, and I was thinking "uhhhhh I don't wanna sit near the foul-smelling puke!" but I took the seat anyway... not nice to reject people's kind gestures, yes? :/ 

Back to the puking woman. I suspected she's probably also pregnant and in her first trimester where morning sickness is the worst. While I was lucky enough not to have morning sickness during mine, it was really tiresome to take public transport... The headaches/giddiness and crazy fatigue! I'm probably even more fit to take the MRT now, as compared to the first trimester. ._. 

SMRT implemented Care Stickers last month, which is kind of redundant actually (I mean, you don't need a sticker to see if someone is handicapped or elderly right?)... but it could be useful for pregnant women in the first trimester who really, really need the extra care. 

Don't be paiseh, just take!
It's kind of embarrassing in the beginning to ask for seats especially when you don't look pregnant, but the situation should be a lot better if you wear this sticker or even a DIY "Pregnant" badge. Sometimes, there're still good Samaritans who will help you ask for seats! :) 

In other news, I'm 29 weeks preggers today! One more week to the Big 3. Baby is moving alot more violently nowadays... He almost stuck a hand out to give his daddy a high five last night, omg! ._.

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