Well-rested Maternity Leave... not.

I've been struggling on how to continue blogging, because my life just whipped up, over, and sucked into the black hole of baby baby baby ever since I gave birth. And now I've been back at work (since January, actually) and I finally have time to blog again. But every time I tried, it'll end up looking like a hard news article (it's a work thing -_-). Anyway I'm the type who's too lazy to upload and edit images lol. 

I'll press on anyway. Because the husband's been bugging me for the lack of writing. 

There's a MEGA huge misconception about maternity leave. I mean, it's "LEAVE" and it's four fricking months long. Sounds awesome to most people. Like a dream. Like a sabbatical. Eat Pray Love. To non-parent people, I mean. Maternity leave was like having to run on chicken essence pure adrenaline due to the steep learning curve of parenthood. 


1. Mama became a raging ball of hormones, feeling demoralised and pissed off half the time for no reason. 

2. Mama constantly feels (or made to feel) that she's under-performing. Lay off the "advice", people!

3. Breastfeeding. Another rant for another day (another long article for this!).

4. Cranky baby is cranky. 

5. Sleep. What sleep?

Teaser to more ranting posts ahead. 

Anyway, I have some really good review posts coming up. Maternity leave was also the season of experimentation, and I learnt so many things that no one told me about. I won't proclaim myself a guru, as different stuff work for different babies, but it's cool to try. Stay tuned.

Here's a random picture of my boy to end this post. I'm starting to miss the newborn version already, though he's such a cutie pie now. 

Despite all the bitching, nothing beats being Damien's mummy. :) BEST THING EVER.

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